It’s an exciting time for Freedom Festival Arts Trust

Each year during Freedom Festival we invite several artists to spend time in the city in ‘residency’ to understand the city better and to develop ideas for future projects to be presented at Freedom Festival.

The residency not only gives the artists a greater insight into the city of Hull but by arranging meetings and facilitating discussions with key individuals we can help to guide their research.

This is a great and powerful example of why creating the right space for artists to explore and develop ideas is so important – nothing great is achieved in isolation.

This year we worked with our European partners to jointly support Marseilles-based collective Rara Woulib to come to Hull to develop a complex project investigating minority communities, mental health, public space and the invisible communities that we often do not see.

We invited several local colleagues and friends from the health, homelessness and care sector to meet them during their time here and thanks to their generosity and time spent with the visiting company their five-day adventure proved very revealing and hugely profound.

You can read their blog about their experience here

This residency was supported by the EU Culture Funded InSitu network as part of its ACT programme. For more information of the great work InSitu does visit its website and to find out more about Rara Woulib click here. 

Talking of brilliant artists coming to visit, Jocelyn Spencer-Mills and Louisa Evans from Kaleider Productions and University of Exeter are coming to Hull mid-November to meet collaborators who they’ll be working with to re-develop a very moving installation work for Freedom Festival 2020.

Titled Buoyed, they will be meeting with experts from Hull’s Maritime City project, Hull’s History centre and university academics who will help to shape this exciting work specifically for Hull.

Watch this space, with many works in progress, it’s an exciting time of year for the team at Freedom Festival Arts Trust.