Every day somewhere in the UK someone is trapped as a victim of Modern Slavery.

Local law firm Rollits is once again proud to be supporting this year’s Freedom Festival, by sponsoring ON EDGE by Justice in Motion as Breathtaking parkour and compelling theatre come together to give a taste of freedom.

Inspired by joy. Informed by truth. Sustained by hope.

Atop towering scaffolding, a group of men ricochet around a building site. Their routine may give a sense of purpose and security, yet behind the perimeter fencing, all is not as it first appears.

Pat Coyle, Director of Marketing at Rollits, explained: “ON EDGE is a gripping story about modern slavery within the construction industry, told through physical parkour and compelling theatre.

“Justice in Motion and the Inspire Parkour community marry exciting choreography, theatre and parkour athletics with beauty and humour, to tell a stimulating, moving tale that asks what it really means to be free.

After the performance join the team of international collaborators, parkour athletes and performers to explore the sensational freedom of moving around the site.”

ON EDGE is supported by Without Walls and commissioned by Brighton Festival and Out There Festival of International Street Arts and Circus.