The Herd Theatre

Fast Food Megaverse

Audio experience, Something Different

Buy Tickets*

*Some of our performances, such as this one, have limited capacity. For these events we ask you to book a ticket per person to guarantee a space and so we can monitor capacity. Freedom Festival Arts Trust is a registered charity and relies on the support of our sponsors, funders and generous donations from individuals.

We ask you to Pay What You Can for this performance. The event is free, but we suggest a donation of £5. Any donation will enable us to keep working with incredible artists to bring inspiring and exciting shows to the people of Hull. We know it is a very difficult time for all, with demands on people’s salaries like never before. Please only donate what you can, if you can. Thank you to all of those who are able to contribute, as your support has never been more fundamental to the success of Freedom Festival Arts Trust.





25 Humber St.

Saturday 2 Sep 12:00
(BSL Interpreted)
Saturday 2 Sep 14:30
(BSL Interpreted)

Sunday 3 Sep 12:00
Sunday 3 Sep 14:30


Download our What to Expect Guide here

"A million out of 10, I haven't been to theatre like this before, it was amazing!!"


Mo is a takeaway delivery rider. Mo is stuck in a parallel universe. Mo needs your help.

Put on headphones, grab a map and join Mo on an adventure through the multiverse. Packed with wild characters, unruly technology and a few tasty surprises, this interactive audio walk is a delicious treat for humans aged 7+.



Commissioned by Freedom Festival in 2022, brought to you by critically acclaimed local theatre company, The Herd. Written in collaboration with children from Hull and East Yorkshire Children’s University’s Letterbox Club, Fast Food Megaverse is an epic celebration of young imaginations.

The Herd brings children, young people and families together in playful spaces to share exceptional experiences. We believe in the transformational power of family arts and create experiences that children and adults can share together.


Access Information

This show is a relaxed performance. It moves around the city centre and is told through headphones. It has a full, individual Access Guide, we can share this via email.

Fast Food Megaverse was funded by Arts Council England, Freedom Festival, Hull City Arts and Hull Truck Theatre.